
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

2013 Goals

I’m not big on resolutions but I LOVE goal setting and do it throughout the year.   So, since we are entering into a new year, I thought I’d share my 2013 Goals with you.  OK, I admit that I’m slightly behind on this post but it’s still January and technically we still have 95.6% of the year ahead of us, plenty of time for me to accomplish these goals and then some.  For my visual friends, I made you something pretty…

For those of you a bit closer to my own personality type, keep reading for a more detailed outline of my goals.  You might notice that I really don’t have any gigantic goals this year.  The last few years, I’ve had some pretty big accomplishments and life changes and in 2013 I would like to focus on consistency, stability and balance.  I pray that my 2013 Motto and Bible Verse will help me stay focused on others.
2013 Motto:  I will be a blessing every day, in every way, to every person I meet.  
2013 Bible Verse: "In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."  ~Matthew 5:16
2013 Goals
1)      Spiritual

1.       5 o’clock Club- I think, the concept of the 5 O’clock club is revolutionary.  The idea is that by waking up 2 hours early 4 days a week, you can add an entire day to your week! What could you do with a whole extra day??  Ok, so as exciting as that is, I have no intention of getting up 2 hours early every day.  But I will commit to waking up 1 hour early 4 days a week.  (ie. Add a half work day to my week, cool).  I put this in the spiritual category b/c I want to use the time for intimate time with God.  

2.       Relationships- I desire to deepen my existing spiritual relationships and cultivate more friendships with unbelievers, starting with my neighbors.  

3.       Words- I will ensure that the words I speak are edifying and uplifting. We are starting a “blessings jar” in our home (I’ll explain this in detail in a later post), I am reading through I Declare, and I am selecting a new “high energy word” each week.  This one deserves a bible verse for encouragement.

If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.” - James 1:26

2)      Physical

1.       Drink 4 bottles of water a day- This may sound easy but I do NOT enjoy drinking water but I’m learning to and I’ve found that the more I drink the more I want. Win.

2.       Yoga- once a week

3.       Complete a 5k- this has been a goal for several years now but this year will be different.  My sister is now a kinesiology major and we are going to run (or walk) on together, wahoo!

3)      Career

1.       Organized: For some reason, my desk and email inbox are consistently in disarray at my office.  I really do not like clutter and when things stack up it makes me feel behind on my work.  So I will make sure that at the end of each week my email box is clean as well as my desk.

2.       Star Consultant:  I have been a Mary Kay consultant for a little over 1 year now but have really only been committed to my business for about 6 months (prior to that I was focused on my engineering exam).  This year, I will make my business a priority and will be a Star Consultant, which will allow me to promote myself to the next level in my business. 

3.       Life Long Learner: Now that I am a licensed engineer, I do not want to become complacent.  My goal is to choose one aspect of the wastewater treatment process each month and master it… research it, read about it, visit treatment plants that have great examples of this process and soak in as much knowledge as I can.

4)      Personal

1.       Blog: At least one entry per week.

2.       Domestic: Basically, I want to be a better wife and homemaker.  I want to cook, clean and serve my honey.

3.       Europe!!!!!: This seems pretty self-explanatory, but I have a very deep desire to vacation in Europe this summer.

 So that’s it! This posted turned out longer than I anticipated, sorry about that.  But I think it’s important to have goals in every area of my life for balance.  I would like to point out that I am a HUGE advocate of SMART goals.  Although you can’t tell from my list above, all of my goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reasonable, and Time Sensitive.  I just didn’t want to bore you with all the tiny details. 

Please feel free to hold me accountable in any of these areas and if I forget to update you, ask me.  I also ask that you pray for my success in these areas and in living out my motto and year verse for 2013!!

 Linking up with Prowess and Pearls today!


  1. wow, you are very detailed!! I hope God's strength will enable you to accomplish your goals :)

  2. look at that!! isn't it so helpful!? i def. framed mine :)
    you have to link up for resolution revolution on the 25th! this is too pretty to not show off!!


    1. I will definitely link up with you! I remembered reading your resolution revolution post but when I went back I couldnt find the button code. Have you posted that already or do I need to wait unitl the 25th?

    2. hi lady!
      the link is live, come add yours!!

      We Are The Tabbs

  3. Hi Tiffany! Love your list and no, it wasn't too long! I especially love your motto and the 5 o'clock Club...very interesting! One of my goals for my 45th birthday this summer, is to go to I'm with you on that one! ;-) Thanks for dropping by and linking up! Have a blessed week! ;-)

    Michell @Prowess and Pearls

    1. As you start planning your trip feel free to email me ( and we can compare travel plans and give ea other tips!

  4. Love your goals!! these are great! and i love how you specify them into different categories!
    i am going to europe this summer and am so excited!!

    1. How exciting! If you have some time I'd love to hear some details of your trip and who your travel agent is. You can email me at

  5. I love the idea of waking up earlier even one day a week. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Thank you for the inspiration!
    God Bless!
    Come say hi!

  7. What great goals! Some of them are very similar to mine. And by posting them, you get a huge accountability group! Following back =)

  8. Hi Tiffany!
    Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. It's funny how much we have in common. I really want to be more domestic, and I want to become more organized (at work and home) I keep checking on you to see how things are going.

    Maya D

  9. These are such amazing resolutions. I love how you set up and organized them too. A perfect reminder to be balanced in life (difference goals for different categories). I love the idea of adding an extra day to your week! I'm excited to follow along in the new year :)

  10. These are great, I hope you give updates from time to time on how youre doing!

  11. These are nice goals. Thanks for linking up with us! Now Following!
